Welcome to TSRC FSSI Ordering System

FSSI OS4 – 47QSEA20D008E – Office Products and Supplies – SIN #339940 OS4

Authorized Distribution Agent: 

Forms & Supply, Inc./dba FSIoffice, is a duly Authorized Distribution Agent for TSRC Inc/dba Frank Parsons, for FSSI OS4 Contract # 47QSEA20D008E.

This agreement was submitted to GSA and the contract period is August 3, 2020 – August 2, 2025. TSRC Inc is the Official Vendor of Record for the FSSI OS4 Contract and thereby all payments will be processed through the TSRC Inc. merchant channel. For more GSA Contractor Information – Click here

As their distribution agent, FSIoffice is authorized to market and sell under the TSRC Inc. FSSI OS4 Contract, provide customer service and provide complete order fulfillment. Additionally, FSIoffice is an AbilityOne Authorized vendor.

Here are a few of the benefits of ordering with this agreement:
  1. Authorized distributor of Ability One Products
  2. Level 3 procurement card processing
  3. Reporting Metrics (product category, usage, etc.) customized to best fit your needs
  4. Product delivered with FSIoffice vehicles and by uniformed, security cleared personnel
  5. Flexible purchasing options: Online, email, FAX, or phone
  6. Experienced local customer care representatives and account managers
  7. Full line of environmentally preferred products
  8. Volume and pallet pricing available
  9. Delivery Terms – Dock delivery within 4 days ARO
  10. Proud of having the highest fill rates in the industry
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